The Root of It Foundation is working to create access to healing through decolonized supervision for providers and low cost services to the community. We know that in order to disrupt systems of oppression, we must also create new systems that honor both providers and the community in which we serve.

The truth is creating access for others is difficult when we struggle to create access for ourselves. Many times, providers are struggling to support themselves while also working to dismantle internalized oppression and hold space for those who we have the honor to serve.

We offer trainings & workshops for a variety of organizations in the San Antonio area and throughout the US. If you are a member of an organization seeking to further your understanding of the intersection between mental health, social justice, or simply overall wellness of your organization, contact us.

Theraputic & Processing Groups

Grow in your understanding and practice of anti-racist, anti-oppressive care for yourself and others.

We work with providers & healers seeking full licensure to root out patriarchal, biased, and damaging teachings that the mental health and medical system is steeped in and to replace them with concepts and teaching that are centered on the needs of each individual and the collective healing and liberation of our society.

Supervision & Associates

Support for Organizations & Clinicians

Your donations will be used to pay providers a living wage, while also keeping the cost of services to the community as low as possible and facilitate access to providers who truly honor your lived experience.